Thursday, June 27, 2013

Our Forever Pet: Milk Snail

You might walk outside and see a garden snail climbing up your favorite pot,or eat escargot in pairs.  But have you ever seen anything like this? Snowball here is a milk snail. Milk snails are escargot snails and the newest and permanent guest of the Hotel 4 Lizards. 

Native Or Introduced Species?
The milk snail is an invasive species that is native to Europe and parts of North Africa.

We Feed our milk snail iceberg lettuce

Habitat/ Range:
We found this snail on a fence at a neighbor's house.

Any special behaviors? 
He had a slight crack in his shell. When snail's have a cracked or broken shell, they will cover up the opening of their shell with a calcium layer. When its time to come out, they will break the layer and feed.


  1. they are really beautiful creatures and I found this so informative :) I didn't know about the cracked shell, very interesting! I am glad you get to keep this one.

  2. I'm fairly ignorant on the topic of snails - other than they move slow and the French like to eat them. This blog is very interesting and informative. Have you named the snail?

  3. Wow! I'm impressed at how much you have learned about each of your hotel guests! Not many people can identify the exact kind beyond snail, lizard, snake, etc. I love that you have researched each animal to learn more about them and then shared your knowledge with your readers! Thanks!

  4. Great post. I didn't know about their response to a cracked shell before either.
