Sunday, August 4, 2013

4th guest, Ground Skink

These two images are of our latest guest, the Ground Skink, which is a common reptile found in many parts of Texas. 

Also known as the Little Brown Skink, the Ground Skink is probably our smallest guest so far! Their species' average length is about 3 to 5.5 inches, but our was smaller than that!

Native or Not?
the Ground Skink is native to the Southern U.S and northern Mexico.  

We fed this little guy flightless fruit flies, small crickets and ants. 

We found our Skink along a small stream in a friend's backyard. 

Any Special Behaviors? 
Our Ground Skink hid for many hours a day in some store- bought pet moss, and rarely came out for food. 

We released our Skink in our backyard near the same spot we had seen another run by. 

P.S- Sorry we haven't posted in a while, we've been on vacation for the past week!


  1. Wow!! You are both brave and intrepid biologists! I am afraid of all things squirmy. Do they have that "If I lose my tail- I can grow another one" thing too? That is a cool lizard thing.-Kelly

    1. Good question! The Ground Skink will drop its tail if necessary, but it can only grow part of it back.

  2. What does a skink feel like?!

    We had something similar in Florida. We just called them "lizards" and looked a lot like your recent guest, but the tail was different... and they could regrow them!!

    1. The skink was scaly, like a lizard, but the scales were tiny so it felt smooth as well.

  3. it is so cute! do you think it was afraid or is the skink a recluse? I would want to keep it because it is so little and cute :))

    1. It was a bit afraid of us at first, but like all our animals, it became more calm as we kept it longer.

  4. So how are the critter doing at the hotel??? Will you be doing this project again? Will you do a bug hotel too?
